Monday, December 29, 2008

About The Life and Times of the Thunderbolt Kid

I'm pleased to announce that Bill Bryson's memoir The Life and Times of the Thunderbolt Kid is the January selection for the Library's Featured Book of the Month program! Place your hold today!

School Library Journal writes: "The Thunderbolt Kid was born in the 1950s when six-year-old Bryson found a mysterious, scratchy green sweater with a satiny thunderbolt across the chest. The jersey bestowed magic powers on the wearer--X-ray vision and the power to zap teachers and babysitters and deflect unwanted kisses from old people. These are the memoirs of that Kid, whose earthly parents were not really half bad—a loving mother who didn’t cook and was pathologically forgetful, but shared her love of movies with her youngest child, and a dad who was the greatest baseball writer that ever lived and took his son to dugouts and into clubhouses where he met such famous players as Stan Musial and Willie Mays. Simpler times are conveyed with exaggerated humor; the author recalls the middle of the last century in the middle of the country (Des Moines, Iowa), when cigarettes were good for you, waxy candies were considered delicious, and kids were taught to read with Dick and Jane."

From The Life and Times of the Thunderbolt Kid:

"I was captivated by the Dick and Jane family. They were so wonderfully, fascinatingly different from my own family. I particularly recall one illustration in which all the members of the Dick and Jane family, for entertainment, stand on one leg, hold the other out straight, and try to grab a toe on the extended foot without losing balance and falling over. They are having the most delightful time doing this. I stared and stared at that picture and realized that there were no circumstances, including at gunpoint, in which you could get all the members of my family to try to do that together."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Due to a technical glitch, one of our user's comments was accidentally deleted. We greatly apologize for this error, but wanted to let you know that this person felt the book was a great way to start the new year when everything else on the radio is bad news--except for Obama.